Sunday, August 26, 2007

Countdown, part 2

Ah yes, the Autumnal Equinox. I've found the official date and time for fall to begin here in the northern hemisphere. September 23, 2007, at 5:51 a.m. EDT.

Since today is August 26, and if I'm adding correctly, that means we have 29 days (that's including today) until fall starts.

Friday and yesterday we had rain. Glorious rain, along with a LOT of lightning and rumbles of thunder. At least now the trees have had some relief from the unending heat and drought. I've been watching the leaves turn yellow and fall off to crunch underfoot. I don't expect much color this fall. I figure the leaves will just fall off unless we get more rain soon.

Anyway, enough rambles about the weather. It's just been on everyone's mind with the unbearable heat. Yes, August should be hot, but not like this.

I've made progress on Keith's sweater. I took it out again to add some ribbing to the bottom of it. It's slow going since there are 238 stitches in a round. I knitted for several hours last night, and I think I only did 4-5 rounds. There's not enough of it to look like anything, so I'll take pictures later this week.

I just received the newest issue of Health magazine on Friday, and it has the second article that I've seen since the doctor's visit that recommends 1 hour of cardio a day to lose weight. This article is based on NBC's the Biggest Loser. Now I have no interest in watching the show, but reading about how they did it can be useful. It's too bad that changing bad habits is not nearly as easy as acquiring them. And the things that are good for you aren't always as fun.

However, as the earth spins along in it's orbit, and the days get shorter, it's time for new beginnings. I've always felt September to be the time for starting new things. I'm sure this goes back to the school year beginning in September, but I think too that as the cool air starts to filter in I perk up after the oppressive heat of summer. The humidity levels drop as dryer air flows down from the arctic.

As for Brownie, she's still hanging in there. She actually went outside a few days ago. That was the first time she's left the kitchen in quite some time. Keith and I have joked about the oldies going out and baking their bones for awhile. Pixel has gone out today, and I don't expect her back in until maybe Tuesday, unless it rains a lot today. Then she'll have to come back in since all her hiding places will be too wet. Keith has wanted me to knit cat beds, but I think instead I'll go to the thrift store and buy some towels for the old girls. Towels are much easier to clean, especially if there are any accidents. Besides, I still have MS3, Keith's second sock, my toe up sock, Honi's present and Keith's sweater. I'm not adding another project to the list right now. Cat beds can wait a bit.

I've got to work today, so I'm off to do a few Sunday chores before I go.

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