Saturday, March 22, 2008

And still sick

I thought/hoped that when my throat quit hurting that I was over this yuckiness. I went to work on Thursday, and at that time I was feeling about 90%. About midway through the day I had what can only be described as an allergic response to someone's perfume. My nose starting running like crazy, and I kept having sneezing fits. Apparently this was all those germs needed - the invitation to go on and move into my sinuses. I was off yesterday, so I self medicated with Benadryl and Sudafed, but today I woke up with my throat feeling scratchy again.

While part of me is very human, and I felt like sharing my cold with those who may have given it to me, I also didn't want to infect those innocents with my virus. Staying home won out.

I'll be honest, surgery on pets is not cheap, and I could use the $$, but more than that I'd rather take care of myself and get well. Especially since now Keith has a sore throat, and he can be a less than fun patient. (You gals know what I'm talking about.)

The good thing about all this is that I can cast on for some more projects in Malabrigo. On Ravelry, Malabrigo is behind Caron's Simply Soft in the list of most popular yarns. The Malabrigo Junkies are working to get ahead of Simply Soft in the list, and the way to do that is to cast on as many Malabrigo projects as possible. While this goes against the grain of some knitters, and I'll confess that I'm one of them, I will cast on several more projects. I do like to have several things going at once, but I do have my limit on how many unfinished projects I have hanging around. Luckily two of my Malabrigo projects are hats, so I can cast on the shawls and leave them while I finish the hats. In fact, I cast on for a cable stole for myself last night. I've made it twice now for other people, and this one is for me.

Anyway, I'm off now to drink copious amounts of various herbal teas again to see if I can wash away some viral germs. I also am familiar with bathing the sinuses, and that's also on the agenda today. I'm thinking for dinner maybe wonton or sizzling rice soup (they both have that chicken stock base.) What I need is a good Jewish deli to pick up some matza ball soup, but today is Saturday, so it would be closed anyway.

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