Sunday, May 16, 2010

Self watering container garden

Remember those two blue bins from my post the other day? Today I put them together, and now they're just waiting for me to water them and plant them. I got the idea about making them from this article in Mother Earth News.

Here's the exterior bin. It has a hole to let excess water out, and you can check the water level that way on dryer days. This is a great example of measure twice, cut once. I thought I had the two containers put together correctly, so I measured and cut the upper hole. Then when I put them together, I discovered that I hadn't pushed the inner container all the way down! Yikes! At least the first (and wrong) hole is too high instead of being too low.

The inner container has a larger hole for the funnel and several smaller drainage holes.

Next you see the two containers put together with the funnel in place and waiting for the soil.

Finally, you see the containers with the soil, along with my supervisor, Monster.
I've got to water the container to let the soil settle, then I get to plant radishes and carrots!
ETA - It's 10:41 a.m., and I've planted it with carrots and radishes. Grow, babies, grow!

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