Friday, July 27, 2007

Terribly Remiss

Hello all,

Lately it seems my days off have been filled with things other than the fun stuff. How does so much laundry build up?

I'm working away on Mystery Stole 3. I'm about 1/3 of the way through clue 3. I am so glad that we don't get a clue this week because so many people are reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I need this week off to attempt to catch up.

And yes, I was one of those who preordered from Amazon on 2/1/07. I received the book on Saturday. When I got home from work I started reading, much to Keith's chagrin. I told him to leave me alone and let me read. It's not like this was some big surprise. The sooner I finished, the sooner I'd be back in the world. I finished around 1:20 a.m. Sunday morning. Honestly, there was no way I'd be able to sleep wondering what had happened to Harry and Voldemort. And all those hints of who might die...I just had to know. Now I do, and no spoilers from me.

I'm starting to really enjoy the laceknitting except for the obstacles I have to work around. It is not mindless knitting, and I've found the Keith is not always willing to let me sit and knit something that requires concentration. There was a whole thread about husbands and knitting that I didn't read on the MS3 group, but I think I must check it out and see if anyone can offer any good advice. From what I've heard occasionally at the shop, it seems a lot of men are jealous of the time their wives spend knitting. Quite frankly, with a simple project, I can actually pay better attention since I'm not thinking of what else I should be doing. It allows me to multitask in what I think of as a pretty positive way. Anytime you go to a knitting group you see knitters have meaningful conversations while the needles go the entire time. It's probably the same way I wonder if he's really listening to me if he's playing his guitar while I'm talking to him.

Anyway, I've got to be brief today since it's a work day. As usual, I plan to fill you in with pictures this weekend. Maybe I can complete clue 3 before then.

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