Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lately I feel like

all I've done is scoop kitty litter.

I know that's an exaggeration, but that's how I feel. With the cold or rainy weather, the kitties haven't been able to go outside to use the garden facilities. Also, I don't think Keith is helping with it at all. I have no real proof of that other than it seems like I'm the only one scooping.

I broke down and cast on another sock on Sunday night. I need a "car sock", something to knit on while sitting in traffic. I'll post a picture of it later.

Anyway, I'm just taking a quick break. Laundry is going with nothing to fold at the moment. I've cooked up some pasta for dinner, and I'm letting it cool off. I should be mopping, but it looks like rain, and I hate mopping just in time to get more muddy pawprints on the floor. Maybe I'll mop tomorrow. I do have more laundry and food prep to do today. I'm also planning to start cleaning out closets and see what can go onto ebay and what just needs to go to charity. It's just already been a long day with errands this morning and being on my feet this afternoon. I'd really rather nap.

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