Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Rambles from a tired mind

I've been thinking today about Pixel and Brownie. How could I not think about them today? Those 2 girls were my very first kitties, and the house seems so empty without them. Brownie passed on Sept. 23 and Pixel on Oct. 22. That is very strange too.

Scooter seems unusually needy today. I'm not sure if we're just more aware of it, or if he misses his mom and aunt. At least Keith is taking this week off, so someone is around the house a lot of the time to provide petting and snuggling to the old boy.

As for Scooter, we have to wait several days for the results of his bloodwork. In the meantime I've been feeding him the last can of venisen whenever he demands some. The vet said the knobbly thing on his neck is a warty growth or skin tag, so that's a relief. (That's what they said last time he was in, but it's a relief to know that it's not anything worse.) I'm not ready at all to lose him.

As for knitting, I actually got quite a bit done last night while waiting at the animal ER. I stopped knitting after I got the news about Pixel, but much was done before then. I'm working on an armwarmer for a class that I'll be teaching at work. Nothing that I've designed - this is a Debbie Bliss design using Debbie Bliss yarn. We're planning to have basic and intermediate classes of the easy gift ideas through November. I'll post a picture after I finish it up tonight.

I feel sort of numb today, but I met Daphne for coffee. She is such a wonderful friend, and it's so nice to be able to discuss my feelings about Pixel and Brownie to someone who understands so well. I feel wrung out, but better after visiting with her.

That's all for tonight. My sinuses and head still hurt, and my heart just aches. I'll stay distracted with Bones and House tonight while I finish the armwarmer, then off to an early night's sleep.

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