Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sucked back into it

Crochet, that is.
I've got to say that it's all her fault. The Mad Crocheter has this on her queue list - a crocheted Bender amigurumi. I have been able to avoid crochet for years now. I really like the way knitting looks. However - I love Bender. Not that I would ever want to date an animated, drunken, chainsmoking, homicidal robot, but I do love watching him on Futurama. Enough to pick up the hooks and some gray acrylic yarn and go for it. It's on my queue now. As if I don't have enough to do.

I wanted to get some pictures of my knitting posted here today too. It was a lovely day here in Georgia. Sunny and warm with temps in the low 70's. Something about my putting knitting on the stone bench piques the interest of my favorite model, so without further ado here are 2 knitting projects with that cat supermodel, Grey. Just remember that her stage name is Princess Plumeria.

Please note in the shot above the kitty ecstacy of being on a sunwarmed stone bench with knitware to paw. I caught an action shot in mid-wriggle. See the tongue sticking out. That's one happy cat.

This next shot is also in mid-wriggle. I had dared to put the glove on her, and she was going to squirm until it was off.

It's so wierd in December when it's pitchblack outside at only 6 p.m. It feels like midnight. It's about dinner time, so I'd better go see what we have. (Keith usually has food duty on Sunday, so I bet we're either finishing leftovers or having frozen pizza. Don't get the wrong idea. He's very good in the kitchen, but why whip up something from scratch if you don't have to? Besides, grocery shopping will most likely be done tomorrow, and I want him to save his cooking prowess for grilling some steaks.)


Yarn or Death said...

Oooooooh what a beautiful kitty!!

Kim said...

What a precious kitten. I love the sticking-out tongue tip.

Eve said...

Thanks for your lovely comments. Of course Princess Plumeria expects such praise from humans, but as her humble servant I thank you.

Shari said...

I can never lay down my knitting anywhere in my house, as it becomes an invitation for sleepy kittehs. However, I have been discouraging this practice lately, as I am knitting a faux mink stole in a lovely shave of amber/brown and white kittehs love to leave calling cards on it!

Debbie D said...

What a cute kitty! Love the tongue poking out.

Honi said...

aww now that is a beautiful picture.. for some reason its way to hot for me in December I need some winter weather.. oh and I was reading more on your blog.. catching up.. thats really nifty about the extended family .. love that.. we did the latka thing saturday night and sunday.. thank god we only do that once a year.. lol.. be well...