Sunday, September 9, 2007


Last Sunday I posted that the dryer had a broken belt. That meant no laundry since we don't have a clothesline out back. (It may be against code in our area too.) I usually try to get all the laundry done on one day so I don't have to fool with it again. That didn't happen this past week. I have a mountain of it to do today once Keith gets the new belt installed. He's doing that right now, even as I type this. I had thought about going to yoga tonight, and that may be out of the question after a whole day of schlepping laundry up and down the stairs. However, since I am currently out of both work clothes and workout clothes, I won't complain about the schlep.

This morning I tackled some of the front yard. It really looked like hell. My typical unit of measurement of yard work accomplished is how many yard waste bags have I filled. This may not be the best way to measure since some weeds fill the bags more quickly than others. For example, when pulling Virginia Creeper and other vining weeds, you can fill a bag pretty fast. When pulling wild violets you have a lot of work to fill a bag. I have filled 2 bags so far today. The sun is coming up over the house and into the yard where I was working, so I won't do any more until late this afternoon. After having that skin cancer, I avoid the sun almost as much as Dracula does.

So that's my Sunday. I've done a bit on my Red Scarf. I forgot to take a picture this morning before I posted, so you'll have to wait until later this week.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention we've also planned the thrilling fun of washing Sassy, then playing the game of catch a cat and put Advantage on it before you get clawed to bits. Don't you wish you were here?

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