Saturday, February 9, 2008

What is Sonny Perdue thinking?

I just have to rant for a minute here. We are in a drought people! A few weeks of rain doesn't begin to fill up Lake Lanier. Alabama and Florida are clamoring for water from that lake, and what does our governor do? Hey, it's ok to water your lawn. That is just a great use of a limited resource. Now, the watering restrictions are still in place on a local level, so luckily I think a lot of local governments still have pretty strict restrictions in place. However, check this link out. It shows current water levels at Lake Lanier. Should you really be filling your pool or watering your lawn?

If you want more scientific data, check out this chart I found.

I will admit that both of my sources are from the internet, and while I know that we can't always believe what we read, I've lived in the South my whole life. I don't need a chart to tell me we're in a drought. I can see it with my own eyes on a daily basis.

I'll write more about knitting and other fun things later. I've been working on Ravelry some, and there is now a group for Toasty by numma numma fans. More specifically, Toasty for Needle Nook.


Janice in GA said...

Preach it. But all those McMansions have to have their green lawns, doncha know??

Cripes. We're still flushing toilets with water we catch while waiting for the shower water to get warm. We've cut our water bill by a third.

Wonder how many folks wanting to water their lawns are doing that?

Eve said...

You know those people wanting to fill their pools and keep their lawns green aren't catching water. After all, if you can just pay a bill, who gives a crap about the larger environmental picture? (Oops, is my green showing.)