Friday, February 1, 2008

Sewing Seduction

Help, I'm being sucked back into sewing! Not that there's anything wrong with that.

First, it started here, on The Blue Blog, with Alison's knitting bags. Ok, what skull collecting knitter in her right mind could pass up that ever so fun fabric. (What, you're still here? Go look at her blog and then come right back.) Alison has been sewing from that book, Bend The Rules Sewing for several months now, and I broke down on Wednesday and bought it. This was right after I searched on Ebay and found the Knit Pirates fabric. I will say here that I did first go to the designer's website to see if any local stores here sold it. The one nearest to me did carry that particular designer, but after an extended walkthrough the store, I determined they didn't have the Knit Pirates fabric. I do support my LQS (local quilting store) before shopping online where possible.

Anyway, I'm now waiting for said book and fabric, and I caught up on some other knit blogs last night. Bad move for me. I found this on Mason Dixon Knitting. You're looking for the entry, owl right, already if it doesn't pop up immediately. Don't you just love that owl? I had to follow the links to find the pattern (written in Japanese, but with pictures that I, as a quilter, can certainly follow.) There is also the Tutowlrial by Moonstitches if you also find yourself in dire need of making an owl (or a whole flock) with all those wild bits of fabric you have hanging around.

As for knitting, I think I mentioned here that I had to rip out part of the Roses for you sock due to not paying attention to where I was in the lace chart. I worked on it for a short while last night, and I think I only have one more lace repeat to do before I do the ribbing for the cuff. It's interesting as I approach the end of this, my fourth toe-up sock, that I still have trouble estimating just how much yarn is left. I will put the sock on and make sure that I'm happy with the length too.

Anyway, let's just hope I'm the one getting the mail when my packages from Quilt Taffy and Amazon get here. I'm supposed to be de-cluttering!

TGIF! I get to meet a friend whom I haven't seen in over a year at a bar tonight that has some of the best hamburgers here in Atlanta. I may have some family running to do too before that day is over, but at least I've got something fun to look forward to tonight.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I knit socks like I'm on speed, and I still can't guesstimate how much yarn I have left. Yarn is a tricky thing. Thank goodness for toe-up socks.