Wednesday, April 16, 2008

So close

I'm so close to the end of the shawl, but it still feels so far away. I suppose for any large project you get to the point where you wonder just when it will end. I'm not sure I've done anything quite of this magnitude. A pair of socks do have a lot of stitches, but I've gotten to the point where I can see progress on a sock. Yes, this does conflict with a post I made sometime last year about how I could work all evening on a sock and not see anything. Part of that depends on thickness of the yarn, how many stitches, etc, but all this is beside the point. The point being that the end of the shawl is in sight. I should be doing a major happy dance by this weekend.

Next week is a biggie for us. We will be celebrating our 20th anniversary. It hasn't always been wedded bliss. Sometimes it's been far from bliss. What we have learned over the years is to keep talking. We communicate, even when we don't want to sometimes, and that has worked really well. What will we be doing to celebrate? I'm not sure. Keith wants to go out of town, but I've been putting the kibosh (sp) on it. I've had serious reservations about leaving Scooter for any length of time. For right now, no romantic trips. Who am I kidding? Those of you who know us know that we're not really a romantic couple. Champagne and strawberries don't impress me much. A hot tub or hot springs on a cold, crystal clear night with maybe some whisky in hand and woodsmoke drifting from the fire, now that's more like it. Even better if there's snow on the ground. I wouldn't mind a few nights in a mountain cabin, but truthfully, we know Scooter's time is short, and he's a really great cat.

As for anniversary presents, we haven't been much of a present couple either. I have gotten him a little something, that I won't mention here in case he reads my blog. Now, if I had won the lottery last night I would have sent him off to Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp. Remember when Marge sent Homer to one? Yeah, it'd be great to send Keith to one. He'd probably ask Mick Jagger to yell Simpson just like on the show.

Anyway, it's been a great nearly 26 years since we met. Next week we'll probably go celebrate with some sushi. Or maybe Mexican. It's our anniversary, and I'm not dressing up!


Kim said...


Janice in GA said...

Happy anniversary!

Whenever I think about being married, I remember a story I read once. A young man asked an older man on his 50th anniversary if they'd ever had any bad days during their marriage. "Bad days?!?" the old guy said. "We had bad DECADES."

Kinda helps me put things in perspective. :)

Honi said...

Happy Anniversary !! wow.. I find it hard to believe its been that long.. but I guess so... wow.. I remember your cake.. I remember it well.... hmmm Just have a very peaceful and sweet day.. U know presents are a funny thing.. On our way back from Israel .. Steve had forgotten to put his Leatherman Tool knife set back in the suitcase and he had it in his carry on. it was confiscated in the airport in Israel.. So guess what he is getting for his 56th birthday ? yep I bought him a brand new leatherman tool set.. I hope he likes it.. I would not say thats the most romantic of gifts.. .. Steve and I will be rounding the 6 month anniversary May 18th.. I still find it hard to believe that we have been married 6 months it seems like yesterday.. lord knows what I will say should we be celebrating 20 years together.. ( I pray) .. Love to you both.. have a very sweet anniversary.. and I think its a good idea to stay close to home .. for Scooter... oh and by the way we have Lucky back.. 3 big dogs now.. ( AM I CRAZY )

Shari said...

WHoa! 20 years- good for you! (thumbs up gesture - remember South Park's "Beware of the Smug?")
I'm kind of like you - wouldn't care for champagne & strawberries, but a cabin in the woods with a fireplace and a big cup of that's romance :)