Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Is April Fool's early this year? aka as

Oy vey Shar Pei!

Sassy and I spent some quality time at the vet. He thinks she has inhalation allergies, contact allergies and probably flea allergies. For the next month to 6 weeks she needs medicated baths weekly. The shampoo has a prescription. He doesn't think it's her diet, so that's one huge relief. Anyway, she also gets to take Benadryl and have her bald spots treated 2x daily. She's also getting antibiotics.

We went through this with her last summer, and what the vet told me today is that we should just expect to have spontaneous flare-ups with her skin. Poor, poor dog. At least we're used to this. Don't get me wrong. I don't like it, but I'm used to it.

As for the septic, let me mention that our system is approaching 50 years old. Enough said? Yeah, I think you get the picture. I'll just say that plumbing is a recession proof business. Maybe I should take it up.

Actually, I'm getting set up on etsy to sell things, like the project bags that make great wine bags. I'll post a link to it when it's up and running. Right now it's a bare shell of a shop.

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