Thursday, January 17, 2008


Yes, I'll be doing a little crochet tonight. I've got to get the bear top finished, then I need to whip up some flowers to sew onto the skirt to cover my little boo-boo (a short row that I didn't turn correctly. This is a don't ask, don't tell situation, and it's honestly not very interesting. Sheer laziness on my part of not wanting to purl in the round, since you must know.)

I've been perusing Ravelry in order to find flower that is simple, but nice looking. I found the Pretty Pretty Flower Scarf and the 100 Flower Scarf Pattern. They both look like they will work for what I'm envisioning. Probably no photos tonight after all.

We did have a brush of winter weather last night. It snowed here in Georgia, but it didn't last long. It changed over to sleet, then to rain. I woke up this morning hoping against logic that it may have switched back over to snow in the night, but instead I saw the crusty, icy remnants of snow in my now very sad looking yard. Snow seems to make the dead plants and grass look even worse. There is potential for snow again tomorrow night, and in the meantime we're having more normal, typical Southern winter weather. It's cold and wet outside. Not cold enough for it to be a nice dry cold, but the clothes and bone penetrating damp cold. The other night there were 5 of us in the bed - me, hubby and 3 kitties all snuggled up to stay warm. Hubby is not thrilled with being hemmed in with cats who seem to increase their weight threefold when totally relaxed and leaning on him. As for me, I'm getting to the point where I don't notice, not even when Scooter decides that he's going to sleep on my stomach. I woke up the other morning, quite surprised to find him there. Apparently I slept through his coming up and getting comfortable while K didn't. Scooter and I have napped like that for years now, and I guess it's just totally normal for me to sleep with a cat on top of me. Much like a furry and purring heating pad.

Oh well, enough babbling. Nothing on the telly I want to watch tonight, so off to watch a few more episodes of Futurama, season 4. I'll get the bear clothing finished tonight!

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