Thursday, June 5, 2008

Philosophical minute.

We have Trotter coming to do the pre-work inspection on the basement tomorrow. It has been really good for us since it is forcing us to go through all the junk down there and clean out. We look at things and wonder "What were we thinking when we kept this?" A trip to Goodwill is in our very near future. I mean, really, one random coffee mug carefully wrapped up in paper? A cracked plastic laundry basket? (luckily it has a recycle code on it - it's not going to Goodwill.) It is truly amazing what we will hang onto, thinking that we may actually use it in the future. I could get all philosophical and point out how we do it not only with material things, but with relationships that no longer work or keep the baggage from earlier in life. It's too early to be philosophical.

One thing we have found are bags and bags of fabric. I also quilt on occasion, and so did my grandmother and her sisters. I think those bags are from my great aunt Vedah who died several years ago. I'll have to go through those bags and be more discerning about what I keep. All of us fiber folks need to do that sometimes and cull those strange yarns or bizarre in a bad way fabrics, and it's not so easy to do. If we don't do that, we'll end up with places like my basement - filled with dust covered boxes and bags that don't hold any hidden treasures, but a cracked laundry basket.

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