Friday, June 6, 2008

Ways to be a mean pet mommy

These are not in any order.

1. Apply Advantage.

2. Clean their ears.

3. Apply soothing treatments to hot spots.

4. Give a bath.

5. Forget to give an elderly cat his organic chicken liver one day. (As he thinks every day should be liver day, this is even more unforgiveable.)

6. Shut bedroom door when changing the bed to avoid cats under a fitted sheet. Also remove pillow from sleeping reach during this time.

I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones I'm guilty of doing in the past week. My feline masters have forgiven me as I woke this morning with an aching back from sleeping in a cat-induced yoga position all night. Liver was cooked and served, Advantage is now dry, and ears aren't itchy. Thank goodness cats, like men, have selective memory. Dogs, however, remember things much better, especially anything to do with the dreaded bath.

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